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Accepted Papers
Research Track
- Aygul Gabdulkhakova, Birgitta König-Ries and Dmitry Rizvanov.
An Agent-Based Solution to the Resource Allocation Problem in Emergency Situations -
Benjamin Schmeling, Anis Charfi, Rainer Thome and Mira Mezini.
Composing Non-Functional Concerns in Web Services -
Petros Papapanagiotou and Jacques Fleuriot.
Formal verification of Web Services composition using Linear Logic and the pi-calculus -
Nihita Goel, N.V Narendra Kumar and Rudrapatna Shyamasundar.
SLAMonitor: A System for Dynamic Monitoring of Adaptive Web Services -
Markus Lanthaler and Christian Guetl.
Aligning Web Services with the Semantic Web to Create a Global Read Write Graph of Data -
Lukasz Juszczyk and Schahram Dustdar.
Automating the Generation of Web Service Testbeds using AOP -
Xia Zhao, Enjie Liu and Gordon Clapworthy.
A Two-Stage RESTful Web Service Composition Method Based on Linear Logic -
Kyriakos Kritikos, Sylvain Kubicki and Eric Dubois.
An Automatic Requirements Negotiation Approach for Business Services -
Maciej Zaremba, Tomas Vitvar, Sami Bhiri and Manfred Hauswirth.
Service Offer Discovery Using Genetic Algorithms -
Jens Kirchner, Andreas Heberle, Jesper Andersson and Welf Löwe.
Service Level Achievements – Distributed Knowledge for Optimal Service Selection -
Tolga Dalman, Michael Weitzel, Wolfgang Wiechert, Bernd Freisleben and Katharina Nöh.
An Online Provenance Service for Workflows for Distributed Metabolic Flux Analysis -
Lei Xu and Erik Elmroth.
A Time Interval-Based Credit Reservation Approach for Prepaid Composite Services in Cloud Enviroments -
Tino Fleuren, Joachim Goetze and Paul Müller.
Workflow Skeletons: Increasing Scalability of Scientific Workflows by Combining Orchestration and Choreography -
Shun-Wen Hsiao, Yeali Sun, Meng Chang Chen and Fu-Chi Ao.
A Secure Proxy-Based Cross-Domain Communication for Web Mashups -
Jens Müller and Klemens Böhm.
The Anatomy of a Secure Business-Process-Management System in Service-Oriented Environments -
Enda Barrett, Enda Howley and Jim Duggan.
A Learning Architecture for Scheduling Workflow Applications in the Cloud -
Ivonne Thomas, Robert Warschofsky and Christoph Meinel.
Whom to trust? – Generating WS-Security Policies based on Assurance Information -
André Lage Freitas, Nikos Parlavantzas and Jean-Louis Pazat.
Cost Reduction Through SLA-driven Self-Management
Industry Track (Papers)
- Martin Gebauer and Fred Stefan.
Integration Services Today - A qualitative study -- design and preliminary results -
Waseem Roshen.
Enterprise Service Bus with USB-Like Universal Ports - Rabeb Mizouni, M. Adel Serhani, Rachida Dssouli, Abdelghani Benharref and Ikbal Taleb. Performance Evaluation of Mobile Web Services
Germán H. Alférez and Vicente Pelechano
Systematic Reuse of Web Services through Software Product Line Engineering
Industry Track (Invited Presentations)
- Peter Utzinger and Hans-Peter Hoidn.
Smart Work Industry Best Practices for Business & IT -
Sigurd Rinde
Barely Repeatable Processes: Challenge current software models and find a huge and unused source for business innovation and profit.